River Nattigheid

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The river Nattigheid on its course through Mosswood.

The River Nattigheid (/ˈnætɪˌgaɪd/), colloquially known simply as the Nattigheid or the Nat and in some areas as the Seine, is a natural river on the MFAHcraft Minecraft server, which flows through the cities of Snoopy, Weed, Almeren't, and Paris-Nantes.

The Nattigheid originates in the Xrecville swamp. It forms a geographic barrier between mainland Tosa and its northern periphery. Hydrologically, it is split between freshwater, in its southern section, and brackish water, in its northern section.

The Nattigheid is one of Snoopy's most agriculturally productive regions, especially along the Myerscough.