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View of snoopy 2.png

A view of Snoopy from above Snoopyfoot Towers.

Created by Sapaa, Henry
Etymology from Snoopy, character in Peanuts
Population 488 (as of October 2018)
Also known as... Snupio (Spanish, Esperanto)
Snoepje (Dutch)
Snupi (Stailac)
Location September Republic
Major languages English, Dutch, Spanish, Stailac
Transport Snoopy Metro
Oak Street Tram
Magma Monorail
Icewell Boatways

Snoopy (/ˈsnuːpi/), Esperanto: Snupio, Dutch: Snoepje, Stailac: Snupi, Spanish: Esnupia, officially the City of Snoopy, is a self-governing city-state in Tosa, as well as one of the principal cities of the Rôtrecht-Almeren't-Snoopy conurbation. As of 2019, it is the most populous metropolitan area in the world.

Snoopy was developed by Sapaa, and, later, Henry. It is one of the largest cities on the server by area and population, with around 1000 people living in roughly 500 houses. Though its construction began around the Dinkle Peninsula, Snoopy's urban area has since spread significantly north of the area, as well as around the Rivers and Nattigheid. Snoopy is serviced by the Magma Monorail, Icewell Boatways, as well as its domestic rapid transit system, the Snoopy Metro.

Snoopy is nicknamed "The City on Stilts," alluding both to its mountainous geography as well as its occasionally unstable dudic history. It is a powerful global force economically and prominent in world affairs, with special importance placed on its relationship with the city of Almeren't.

(add map, image collage, flag, etc.?)

History[edit | edit source]

Snoopy was incorporated as a city in mid-August of 2018 by Sapaa, who spearheaded its growth. Its first buildings were built in the historic area of Snoopy Island, but construction became quickly centered on the southern tip of the Dingle Peninsula, from which the rest of the city grew. The rest of the city was expanded by Sapaa and Henry. It was briefly known as Snoopy Island (and, later, the Republic of Nordenasque), but was eventually simplified to Snoopy. Snoopy's early borders were defined by the Snoopy City Wall, though this was eventually partially destroyed due to conflicting aesthetics with the rest of the town as well as to further construction past this limit. Since then, Snoopy's urban area has spread from the edge of the Sea of Dunwich to the western edge of Almeren't, with some construction east of the .

In-universe lore[edit | edit source]

In-universe, the town of Snoopy was established on August 9th, 113 B.G, by Pietrus Homerius, zoon vat het Semme (later shortened to Homer Simpson). Born and raised in Almeren't, Simpson would often explore the area surrounding his town by boat, which led him to develop a keen interest in the area around the mouth of the River Rô. Seeing potential for a thriving commercial center, he moved to the original Snoopy Island with his family and began to develop the region with the hope of attracting settlers from nearby Moresnet.

Though Snoopy was officially founded with a bilingual language policy (Simpson’s mother was a native English speaker, and he himself spoke both Dutch and English fluently), English began to dominate the city’s institutions, serving as a lingua franca for Moresneta settlers as well as explorers from the fringe western town of Caribou. This infuriated the Opstandelings, a coalition of linguistic purists who sought to reinstitute Dutch in Snoopy’s city government. Though their original movement proved unsuccessful, the Opstandelings eventually decided upon a compromise: establishing Anglish as Snoopy’s sole official language. Led by the charismatic Ætheswald Smagglefang, the Opstandelings rebranded themselves as the Withstanders and campaigned for a radical shift in Snoopian language policy.

[add more abt linguistic conflicts and languages?]

Administrative divisions[edit | edit source]

Snoopy is a city officially comprising sixteen neighborhoods, eleven of them built so far, but it has long been considered to consist of five unofficial regions.

Old Snoopy[edit | edit source]

  • Snoopy Island is the oldest neighborhood in Snoopy, named after its shape when viewed from the west. It consists of Snoopyfoot Island (named for its shape), Reservoir Island, and an unnamed islet housing the Visitor's Center. Despite its long history, the area is somewhat sparse, home to only eight buildings and a chorch.
  • Oldtown was the second neighborhood to be founded - after Snoopy Island - and remains the undisputed centre of all of Snoopy, with a subway and ferry dock as well as several embassies and diplomacy/foreign affairs centres. Its skyline is marked by a tree dedicated to XO as well as the 11-metre-tall Lichtbron Historic Castle. The neighborhood has long been remarked upon for its density; its one-block-wide streets create an atmosphere described as "an experience," and set the precedent for most of Snoopy's urban design. It is served by the North/Temple station on the Snoopy Metro.

While the Strathclyde Mine's entrance, located near Antigatsby Passage, is within the neighborhood limits of Oldtown, now-abandoned portions are located under Playa Dorada and Dinkle.

  • West Egg, unlike the other two neighborhoods in Old Snoopy, was made by Henry, and is somewhat newer and more seaside-themed - however, it was still for the most part constructed in the Old Snoopy style. West Egg is notable for its eponymous lighthouse and a famous law on the books forbidding "any and all 1920s shit" within village borders.

Spanish Snoopy[edit | edit source]

  • Isla del Comienzo, a vibrant Spanish neighborhood inspired by the Antilles (also made by Miner). Isla del Comienzo is home to the Eagle Fortress (Fortaleza del Aguila), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and was historically the site of May's nation Felientia before its move to an identical island to the west.
  • Cobraville is home to several "after-hours" businesses ranging from nightclubs to strip clubs and drug shops, as well as a giant ugly tower. Local lore holds it to have been founded by Mary Lee Cobra-Michaels, who now lives in West Egg, or another member of the infamous Cobra family. In addition, its residents speak a unique creole called Stailac, which incorporates elements of English, Spanish, and Dutch.
  • Playa Dorada, otherwise known as La Playa, is the largest neighborhood in Spanish Snoopy. It is built on an incline north of Playa Lagoon, and is most notably cut by a large canal leading to its moniker "Snoopy's Venice". It is characterized by its extreme density (all of its roads are only 1 meter wide) as well as its extremely common tifcauses. The neighborhood is centered upon Two Thieves Street.

Transmural Snoopy[edit | edit source]

  • Dinkle, before having its current borders, consisted of all land north of the old Snoopy City Wall as well as several houses, but these houses as well as part of the wall were destroyed at a later point. [after/during Snoopy's period of abstractionism?] Within Dinkle's borders is the highest point in Snoopy, Mount Dinkelberg (40 meters above sea level).

Approximately 2/3 of Meertje Lagoon is unclaimed by both Dinkle and North Shore. The reason for this is unknown, theories ranging from a respect for the lagoon's fish to a desire to commit crimes without punishment to a simple surveying error. In part due to this curiosity, it is a popular destination for fishing and boat tours.

  • North Shore constitutes the furthest reaches of Anglophone Snoopy on the Dinkle Peninsula, and serves as a "transition zone" between the two languages. North Shore's main attractions are the Ice Skating Rink and the Museum of Exploration, containing various maps from Snoopy history.
A view of Transmural Snoopy around the River Rô.

Dutch Snoopy / Snoepje[edit | edit source]

  • Macintosh is considered to be the most western Batavophone area in Snoopy, and as such is home to a thriving marijuana business aimed at visitors coming east from North Shore.
  • Vriesland and Kleine-Holland are two villages slated to be built in the future on the Rô River. The only part so far that has been built is an unnamed road connected to Oak Street.
  • Downtown-West Almeren't is not a core part of Snoopy, but it is the town's central business district, with three high-rise buildings constructed so far along Thijs van Pelt Street and one more in construction as of October.
Construction in Downtown Snoopy, 2/3/19.

River East and its Environs[edit | edit source]

  • River East was the first settlement to the east of the Rô, and, for a long time, the only settlement. It was established shortly after Oldtown began construction, and was very gradually expanded as the rest of the town grew.
  • North Moresnet, the area's second settlement, was created on October 13, 2018 by Sapaa and XO. Established as a depressed industrial area turned avant-garde arts district, it is home to several of Snoopy's largest buildings. It is currently been developed by Sapaa, XO, and Henry.
  • Strathclyde is planned to be created directly north of River East. Though it has not yet been built, Oldtown is sometimes jokingly considered "Old Strathclyde" due to the family's influence there.

Transport[edit | edit source]

Maps[edit | edit source]

Snoopy map neighborhoods original.jpeg

A map of Snoopy's planned neighborhoods from [find time]. Note that North Moresnet, Strathclyde, Vriesland, and Kleine-Holland do not exist yet on MFLAHcraft, and that Downtown and West Almeren't have been merged.

Pictures[edit | edit source]

View of snoopy 2.png A view of Snoopy from above Snoopyfoot Towers.

View from dinkleberg.png Snoopy looking south from atop Mount Dinkleberg.