Sutton ![]() A view of Sutton from atop Wingo Park. | ||||||||||||
Sutton is a city on MFAHcraft, as well as the largest city of both the Sutton Valley megaregion and the North. Founded in December 2019 by Marijn and Griffin, it is the newest and northernmost major city on the server.
Since its inception as a small British village, Sutton has become one of the world's largest cities, as well as a major hub of the MFAHcraft rail network. Throughout the early months of 2020, it was the fastest-growing city in the world.
Sutton's Old Town, situated on the River Calliope, is famed for its classical British architecture, while its newer districts, such as Sutton Too, host the world's largest concentration of row houses. An important global city, Sutton exerts a considerable impact upon the arts, architecture, media, professional services, spleef, tourism, and transportation. Wingo Park, in northern Sutton, is the first and largest spleef arena in the world, and the sport continues to be a driving force of the city's culture.
History[edit | edit source]
In-universe[edit | edit source]
Real[edit | edit source]
Sutton was established in late December of 2019, as a joint project by Marijn and Griffin. Griffin originally suggested that there be another "polder city," built upon reclaimed land, to compliment Ciuplana. The Sutton site was originally chosen for this polder, as its section of the River Calliope is relatively wide and shallow; however, the developers eventually decided to build a city around the existing geography, as they thought its contours and proximity to the Haldenburg Mountains made for an interesting urban environment. Marijn suggested the town mirror the parochial aesthetic of a real-life English village, which eventually extended to giving Sutton a cosmopolitan, generally British character.
The Sutton Pier, at the southernmost tip of the city, was the first building in the city; the rest of the Old Town was subsequently developed throughout the rest of the month, mostly by Marijn. The end of the decade also saw the construction of Wingo Park, the city's largest structure, which ultimately spurred the rapid growth of the city as a whole.
Throughout early 2020, Sutton had the fastest growth rate of any major city on the server, along with Waachening. This was fueled by Griffin's construction of row houses throughout much of the northern and eastern areas of the city, which they had initially built in an attempt to replicate their perception of British urban design. The development of Marijn Griffin and the extension of the Sutton Valley Railway, both in March 2020, formalized the concept of Sutton Valley as a broader urban area and cemented Sutton as its locus.
Geography[edit | edit source]
Scope[edit | edit source]
Sutton is situated along the River Calliope, with its Old Town on a peninsula of Sutton Bay. It is located approximately one kilometre north of Mecca-in-Sea, and it is roughly equidistant between Almeren't and Impromptu.
Topography[edit | edit source]
The city is located at the convergence of three different biomes: plains (to the northeast), dark oak forest (to the north and northwest), and traditional forest (to the south and west). There are also small portions of flower forest scattered around Old Town. The city's western half is also especially hilly, which has given Sutton a unique urban layout; in some places, entire neighborhoods are stacked on top of one another, as they sit on natural arches.
The section of the River Calliope that flows throughout the city is entirely navigable, and forms a floodplain upon which much of the city is constructed. Since 2020, the Calliope has been extensively embanked, especially around Sutton Too.
Districts[edit | edit source]
Though Sutton maintains a generally coherent aesthetic throughout its boundaries, its wildly varied geography has given individual districts unique characters. Though the city's neighborhoods have no formal designations, they each generally have a "core" from which the "center" of the district sprawls out.
Sutton's Old Town, generally defined as the area south of the City Wall, was built almost entirely within December 2019. Of all the city's districts, it mostly closely reflects the structure of an actual English village.
Architecture[edit | edit source]
Sutton's buildings are too diverse to be characterized by any particular architectural style.
Demographics[edit | edit source]
Language[edit | edit source]
Religion[edit | edit source]
Transport[edit | edit source]
Sutton is serviced by the Sutton Valley Railway of the MFAHcraft rail system, of which it is the eastern terminus.