Raoul Janeigem

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In-character[edit | edit source]

Raoul Janeigem (born 1987) is a British politician serving as Leader of the Constitutional Reform Party since 2019. The party's founder, she single-handedly led its associated movement for several days after all three of her fellow leaders either withdrew from the election.

Born in London, Janeigem's parents were both politically active; her father, a construction worker and Walloon immigrant, was a moderate socialist, while her mother was a Labourite from Northern England. Janeigem became heavily involved with political activism with her college's syndicalist organization, where she met CREP's eventual co-founder, Thea Greensbade. She and Greensbade continued to advocate for labor and LGBTQ+ rights after graduation, in collaboration with Axelle, another future collaborator.

Out of character[edit | edit source]

Raoul Janeigem is a character in XO's Model British Parliament, written and portrayed by Jane.