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Owing to the wide diversity and the various constituent communities of its member base, MFAH has grown to possess its own unique vocabulary - including terms borrowed from sites such as AH and Tumblr as well as an uncountable number of inside jokes.

Alternate history terms[edit | edit source]

  • OTL: our timeline
  • ATL: alternate timeline
  • IOTL: in OTL
  • ITTL: in this timeline
  • TOASTER, X2, SUCK, TACOS: colour schemes often used to colour maps
  • Base map: an existing map used to make another, can be pixel-based or not
  • Micro-Worlda: a very small base map for maps
  • Worlda: a base map for maps
  • World-M: a slightly bigger base map for maps
  • QBAM: a big base map for maps
  • 8K-BAM: an even bigger base map for maps
  • M-BAM: a very big base maps for maps
  • VT-BAM: an extremely big base map for maps
  • Wanking: making a country absurdly large. Or just wanking.
  • Screwing: fucking over a country or making a country absurdly small. Or just screwing.
  • ASB: Alien Space Bats, a wildly implausible or ridiculous scenario or the causers thereof
  • ISOT: Island in the Sea of Time, when an entire country or area (or sometimes person) gets teleported to a certain time or place


Tumblrisms[edit | edit source]

  • mood- when something is agreeable, relatable, or otherwise relevant to oneself or the conversation
  • valid- somewhat similar to its official definition, but generally refers to one's emotions or attitudes towards a subject or themselves.

Inside jokes[edit | edit source]

  • NEON BLUE DENMARK: the color for Denmark on most color schemes is a neon cyan
  • Nogai, unusually progressive for a tatar horde: the acronym "MOGAI" (basically the same as LGBTQ+) rhymes with Nogai, an EU4 country
  • Stop saying buch: comes from an unironic comment on one of Sapaa's Youtube videos

"Stop saying buch. Būx is a swear word in my conlang it's so awful to say it's like 5 times worse than even the n word. It's like the worst thing in existence"