Epsochy (Pētak: ēpsuknia) is a fictional branch of technology in Sapaa's timeline, Two Zealand. It describes the processes by which matter, specifically living things, can be manipulated and created through displacement across different universes and timelines. Canonically, it has only been fully utilized by Mira, an archailectal artificial intelligence who used it to synthesize several iterations of pseudo-humans known as alts.
Level I[edit | edit source]
Level I epsochy describes a minor and relatively unimpactful manipulation of existent matter. Most baseline humans and alts can only barely harness epsochy, even at this level, and only with significant training. Most epsochial research concerns this and Level II epsochy, as it is the most easily accessible.
Epsochy at this level typically entails techniques such as spacial manipulation (i.e. pyromancy, aeromancy, hydromancy, etc.) and ardency, i.e. artifically invoking emotions within living beings.
Level II[edit | edit source]
Level II epsochy describes a manipulation of the biological functions of a living organism, e.g. killing someone instantly. This stage of epsochy has been attained by only a few baseline humans and alts, almost all of whom are either quarantined researchers or personal allies of Mira. The ability to harness epsochy at this level is viewed with extreme suspicion due to its dangerous power.
Level III[edit | edit source]
Level III epsochy describes a major manipulation of the biological functions of a living or previously living organism. This level is usually used and studied in the context of reviving previously living beings and extending the lifespans of beings far beyond their natural extent. Some Series 5 alts have shown the capacity for Level III epsochy, though this has never been officially studied.
Most Kaitiaki have epsochial abilities extending to Level III.
Level IV[edit | edit source]
Level IV epsochy describes the manipulation of matter and consciousness across universal and temporal boundaries. It is often used to ISOT beings from one timeline to the next, or across vast intervals of time. The Big Glitch is an example of Level IV epsochy on an extremely large scale.
Some high-level Kaitiaki have been purported to have the capacity for Level IV epsochy, though it has only been used by Mira.
Level V[edit | edit source]
Level V epsochy describes the synthesis of new lifeforms, independent from any previously extant timeline. The process by which this can occur is extremely complex; it involves the stitching together of elements of life across many different timelines and time periods, and has presently been achieved only by Mira through the synthesis of the alts.